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Giving back

to the Umba miners and Kigwasi mining village.

Background information
The Gemstone Safari is an educational field trip for visitors from abroad. During our numerous visits to the Umba river mining area, we noticed the miner's demand for more information and education about the gemstone trade. Encouraging the guests and the miners to share their know-how was the first step. Somehow, it was not sufficient. A more structured approach was needed.

Educating the miners about the gemstone trade. The way of gemstones, from the mine into finished jewelry. Covering: geology, mineralogy, gemology, gemstone cutting and jewelry manufacturing. The program is structured to offer miners additional skills and add value to their professional expertise.

  • Mineral identification
  • Mineral quality assessment
  • Proper handling of mineral specimens.
  • Gem cutting

Trough lectures in Swahili and practical workshops with Tanzanian instructors. The classes are organized during the Gemstone Safari visits.
        Workshops :

  • Cabochon cutting   class duration half a day
  • Faceting                  class duration 1 day
  • Practical gemology class duration half a day

        Lectures :

  • Geology of Tanzania
  • Geology & Mineral Resources of Tanzania
  • Gem identification
  • Gemological instruments
  • Field gemmology
  • Grading facet rough

Class instructors
I would like to acknowledge the following persons for their generous contribution in time and know-how.
          Nakara S.E. Matemu - Geologist / Mineralogist / Gemologist. Professional qualifications
          Noreen Masaki - Lapidary / Gemologist. Professional qualifications
          Paul Makunda - Lapidary. Professional qualifications
          Setiel Masaki - Lapidary. Professional qualifications

Nakara S.E. Matemu

Noreen Masaki

Paul Makunda

Setiel Masaki

The miners of Umba river mining area and the Kigwasi village.
2016 Attendance: Cabochon class 28 miners where invited.
2017 Attendance: Faceting class 7 miners where invited.
2018 Attendance: Faceting class 4 miners
                             Cabochon class 16 miners
                             Practical gemology 32 miners.

I would like to acknowledge the following persons or entities for their generous support.
          Najim Z. Msenga - of Najim Company Limited
          Kigwassi Village and Massai chief - Gabriel Mamboi
          Last but not least, all safari guests who visited Umba

Lapidary machines and gemological intruments
where provided free of charge during class sessions by Mrs. Noreen Masaki

For further information please contact:
Miss Noreen Masaki                         or
Lapidary Training Centre
P. O. Box 19668
Dar es Salaam
+255 787 721 761
Mr. Hubert Heldner
Free Form Artists
Avenue des Alpes 70
CH-1820 Montreux
+41 21 963 89 77

Gemstone Safari
Ruby-Zoisit jewelry class
Gemstone cutting in Tanzsania
Minerals & Gems
Lapidary Training Centre
Giving Back

© Copyright on all photos by Hubert Heldner