Jewellery manufacturing workshop ~ Jewellery manufacturing workshop |
 Jewellers table with plenty of drawers and a skin for collection of the filings. |
 Jewellers table with 3 drawers and a case to collect the filings. This is a standard table. |
 Jewellers table with four places. This one is home made. A good table height is 100 cm. |
 Tree trunk with anvil and different hammers. |
 2 rolling mills for wire and sheet metal. A ring stretcher is placed behind. |
 Polishing motor with dustcollector and an ultrasonic cleaner just below. Keep this in a separat small easy to clean room. |
 Drawbench to pull wires and a carborundum grinder for shaping steel tools. |
 Metal shear for sheet and wire. |
 Repousse bowl, punches, hammer and a setter's sphere. |
 Spin caster and large pickling pot. |
 Metal melting corner with ventilation and a large melting torch for oxygen and propane. |
 Small pickling pot, rinsing glass and brass or plastic tweezers. Alcohol lamp, squeez bottle for water and alcohol jar. |
 Cross-lock tweezer on a third hand, soldering plate and soldering pick with a wolfram tip. |
 Minicro soldering torch. |
 Solder box. This is an apprentice project, and not available in the trade. |
 Set of 12 pliers, 3 side cutters and one solder scissor. More than I actually need. |
 Set of files and a sanding paper sticks. |
 Sawframe and needle files. |
 Crocodile pliers |
 Draw plates. Keep them out of the dust and your wires will come out polished. |
 Wood blocks and punches |
 Ring mandrel, ring stick and finger sizer. |
 Flexshaft motor with rotary handpiece and a setters hammer. |
 Drill bits and grinding tools. |
 Small grinding, pre-polishing and polishing brushes |
 Set of engravers with Arkansas sharpening stone. |
 Masters and precious metal stamp. |
 Sliding caliper, ruler, dixieme gauge, divider and steel square. |
Hubert Heldner January 2007 |